Last week, my wonderful dog Cara had to have surgery to remove a few lumps. I was worried sick for days leading up to the surgery; it is scary when anyone has surgery, and at ten years old, Cara is not a young dog anymore.
Cara came into my life in 2004; Friends of Rocky Mount Animals took Cara in just one day before she was going to be put to sleep in the Rocky Mount, NC animal control facility. Like all rescue groups, F.O.R. Animals needed a foster, and a group in New England found temporary placements for Cara and four other dogs rescued from the same shelter. My mother agreed to drive these five dogs a portion of the way to their foster home and I decided to tag along that day. And during that car ride, I met and fell in love with Cara - and I adopted her on the spot.
On Thursday, I drove Cara to the vet and dropped her off, then returned home, worrying the entire time. Emily, our younger dog, came along for the ride, and as I was getting out of my car after returning home, I spotted this four leaf clover. With all of my worry and anxiety about Cara, I felt a bit of relief to see something so rare - and something that is a symbol of luck.
And then I saw another four leaf clover - and another, and another, and another - seven in total.
When I find clovers, I like to press them in favorite books. For these, I selected "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle," a book (about dogs) that I very much enjoyed.
Cara's surgery went well, and although she is half bald, she is acting just like her usual, wonderful, treat-loving self.
fantastic pictures